​Yangtze River By The Hudson Ba​y

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Women's Missionary Society, Kiukiang, May, 1920 meeting (broken earth-ware on the chair at front)"

W.F.M.S.: The Women's Foreign Mission Society <Including Kiukiang, 江西, 九江>

Fund Raising Event: Breaking out the "Piggy Bank" Saving (those are smashed clay pots).


Danforth Hospital   //   Rulison Girls High   //   William Nast   //   Gracey Center   //   Knowles   //   WFMS Primary   //   Day School

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Evangelical workers at An-King (An-Qing, 安庆) with a group of Knowles School graduates now at work in city and our district"

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Hwachengtang Woman's Missionary Society. Nov. 3, 1928 Meeting (with Georgie in it)"

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Bible women, Kiukiang"

It is noteworthy that the backdrop for Women's Mission Society in Kiukiang began in the 1870s when Ms. Gertrude Howe (Chinese Name: 昊格矩, 1846–1928) of Lansing, MI, and Dr. Lucy H. Hoag (Chinese Name: 和贺路绥, 1844–1909) of Albion, MI, were first sent to Kiukiang, Kiangsi (江西, 九江), by the Methodist Episcopal Church's very own Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society (W.F.M.S.) to specifically bring educations to girls and women.  Ms. Gertrude Howe became the first Principal of a girl's school in 1873 that later is known as The Rulison-Fish Girls High (儒励女中).  Ms. Howe was (apparently) also the adoptive parent of Dr. Ida Kahn, and she was the key person responsible for bringing Dr. Ida Kahn (Chinese Name: Cheng Kahn, 康愛德) and Dr. Mary Stone (玛丽·斯通; Chinese Name: Mei-Yii Shie, 石美玉) to the US to be educated at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Of course, both women later became the Deans of The Danforth Memorial Hospital in 1901 and symbolized empowered modern women in China. 

More details can be found from these two books: 

(a) Franc Baker, "Historical sketches of the Northwestern Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church." Publisher: University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, MI: 1887. <http://www.amazon.com>

(b) Mary Sparks Wheeler, "First Decade of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church: With Sketches of Its Missionaries." Publisher: Phillips and Hunt, New York, NY: 1883. <https://archive.org/details/firstdecadeofwom01whee>

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Hwa-cheng-tang Woman's Missionary Society. Nov. 3, 1928 Meeting"

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Auxiliary Meeting of W.F.M.S. at Kiukiang"

ORIGINAL CAPTIONS: "Chinese worker at Susong"

To Read On:    A Thousand and More: Page 1    //    Page 2    //   Page 3

Empowered Women of the 1900s