[From L to R] Dr. Hutcheson, Dr. Sloan, and Dr. Perkins
[From L to R] Mr. Robart, Mr. Lavely,
Mr. Argelander, Mr. Hoose, and Dr. Perkins.
"In front of the William Nast Building.{OC}"
[From L to R] Mr. Hoose, Mrs. Hoose, Mrs. Perkins,
Dr. Perkins, Mrs. Argelander, Mr. Argelander,
Mrs. Robart, Mr. Robart, Mrs. Lavely, and Mr. Lavely.
[Back Row] Mr. Charles F. Johannaber, Mr. F. Chu, Mr. Argelander,
Dr. Perkins, and Mr. Hoose.
[Front Row] Earl Jr., Barbara, Mrs. Hoose, Mrs. Perkins,
Mrs. Johannaber with Daughter Evelyn in hand, and Margaret
[Lower Far Left] Ms. Merrill and Ms. Creek (faculty at Knowles)
[Front Center] Mrs. Johannaber w/ Margaret, Earl Jr.,
and Mrs. Lehman and her baby.
"Thanksgiving Day, 1918. {OC}"
[From L to R] F. Woodruff, Mr. Tuan, Ms. Babrenberg, Pastor Tsai, Mrs. G. Hu, M. Woodruff, Mrs. T. Lo, Mr. Jllick, Phebe, Mrs. Jllick, Dr. Lo, Mrs. Johannaber, Mrs. Argelander, Phebe;
[Continue to the right side] Edward, M. Merrill,
Mr. Argelander (tall), Dr. George Hu, Ms. Fredericks; [Behind her] Mr. Johannaber, Ginsiang, and then Ms. Townsend.
"January 1, 1920. {OC}"
Friends of The Perkins
[Back Row at the Top (L to R)] Mr. Charles F. Johannaber, Edward,
and Mr. Carleton Lacy.
[Starting at R of Ms. Creek] Mrs. Hoose, Mr. Hoose holding Barbara,
Ms. F. Woodruff,
and Ms. Thomasson (faculty at Rulison)
Go To: Dr. and Mrs. Perkins // Georgina // Mrs. Perkins' Mission // Edward // Family
[From L to R] Dr. Perkins, Mr. Hoose,
Mr. Argelander, Mr. Lavely, and Mr. Robart.
"Members of the General Board.{OC}"
[Front Row] Ms. Frances Woodruff, Ms. Babrenberg (sp?), and Mrs. Argelander.
[Second Row]Dr. Perkins, (This Person's Name Missing), Miss Garrett, Mrs. Jillick,
and Mr. Charles F. Johannaber (William Nast Headmaster 1920–1927),
and Mr. Argelander with his arm on the hip.
[Back Row] Ms. Edith Frederick, Miss Clara E. Merrill (Chinese Name: 李凯德: Principal of Rulison 1898-1927), Mrs. Johannaber, Miss Mabel A. Woodruff (Principal of Knowles Bible School 1920–1922), and Mrs. Perkins (in the shadow).
A Group Photo of Mission Workers of Kiukiang.
"Some of the Kiukian city workers and missionaries--taken at MaoChiaHan,the ladies residence. {OC} = ORIGINAL CAPTION"
[From L to R] Ms. Creek, (missing a name),
Ms. Thomasson, Mr. Lacy, Georgie, Mr. Johannaber,
Mrs. Hoose, Earl Jr., and Mr. Hoose.
"Thanksgiving dinner - hiding from the photo are Ms. Merrill, Ms. Woodruff, Mrs. Johannaber, and Edward. {OC}"
[From L to R] Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. Chiang, Miss Walker, Mrs. Geang, Georgina, and Miss Warner (the head nurse).
Standing in front of Bowen's house:
"A hospital tea party. {OC}"