​Yangtze River By The Hudson Ba​y

The girls at the extreme left and right are girls Deanette is helping at Rulison;the second on left is L-G. Wu and the second on right is one I am helping at Rulison; she is a PenTze girl(?)  {OC}"

"The group of folks from our street who meet at our home every Wednesday for an evangelistic meeting.{OC}"

Go To:    Dr. and Mrs. Perkins    //    Georgina   //    Edward    //    Family    //    Friends

"Special meeting for children at Mrs. Perkins' home{OC}"

Various Classes Mrs. Perkins Taught Throughout the Week for Children of All Ages

"A photo of Wednesday meeting group, taken in the winter.{OC}"

Weekly Gatherings - Usually on Wednesdays - With Women and Children:

LEFT PHOTO {OC}: A part of the group that meets at our place for an evangelistic meeting every Wednesday afternoon. You will notice the cards in the children's hands - the little boy and girl in the front seem to be comparing cards! CENTER PHOTO {OC}: "One of the weekly gathering of women and children at the house on Wednesdays"; RIGHT PHOTO {OC}: "Another view of Wednesday children."

"The highest class at Rulison High School,Kiukiang My class meeting-1925 (actually Tuesdays) {OC}"


"Snap taken by Henry of Wednesday meeting;G- in background;daughter-in-law,holding #12 on my right;Frances Woodruff near foreground. {OC}"

"Wednesday meeting the week before Christmas, more than sixty children {OC}"

My Sunday School class - taken at side of Wilson's House - See the Chrysanthemum {OC}"

"Sweet girls are graduating {OC}"

"The high school girls with whom I meet every Tuesday for bible study at our 'class meeting'{OC}"

"Some who attend a weekly evangelistic meeting at Mrs. Perkins home in Kiukiang.{OC}"

"My Sunday School (with a few boys) 1927 – 1928 {OC}"

"My class meeting girls {OC}"

"Methodist day School Pupils{OC}"

LEFT PHOTO {OC}: "My class meeting, observe 'DaChoie'"; CENTER PHOTO {OC}: "Mrs. Perkins S.S. class at Methodist Church S.S.,Kiukiang 1931-1932"; RIGHT PHOTO {OC}: "Another view of my class meeting girls 'Ping Den' in the front"

"My class meeting girls - different from trousered and long braided girls of a few years ago"{OC}"

Girls from The Rulison High at My Sunday Schools:

LEFT PHOTO {OC}: "My S.S. class at Hawshengteng"; CENTER PHOTO {OC}: "My S. S. (Sunday School) Class for 1st Yr. H. S. girls, Rulison, taken very late on a January afternoon"; RIGHT PHOTO {OC}: "My S.S. class taken by F. Woodruf"

A Tribute for Mrs. Perkins (Chinese Name: Pei Jia-Ji, 裴家紀)

Her family and close friends called her Georgie.

Certainly, one could easily write it off that this great woman was only following her husband and fulfilling her traditional duty as a responsible and loving wife, just like many wonderful women who had honorably sacrificed themselves during her era and those decades after that. But when one thinks more deeply, one realizes that she had been much more than that. If she had just followed, well, to her credit at the very least, she followed Dr. Perkins to a rural town in Central Regions of both war and famine ravaged China in 1916! Certainly, even in that regard, one could also write it off that she might have just been genuinely "in love" with his ideal, his dream, and his calling. However, here is the profound truth that I believe to be what sustained her throughout the next 45 years.

What Mrs. Perkins was following was a mission, a mission of her own to not live a simple and mundane life within her peaceful shelter; what she was following was her compassion, compassion towards people in need regardless of their origins; what she was following was an ideal, her ideal, an ideal in which women anywhere would have equal rights to life let alone education and medicine; what Mrs. Perkins was following was her hope, hope that Chinese people could, at last, see the heart and feel the warmth of the Western Civilization; and what she was following was a calling, her calling, a calling of doing what she could to make a difference in this world.

Girls of The Rulison High Who Frequently Visited Mrs. Perkins at The Water of Life Hospital: "Some of my young friends at the girls' school.{OC}"

"Some of the children who come to the Wednesday meeting.The one in the foreground the 1st, is #10 {OC}"

Lives of Those Touched By Mrs. Perkins <Pei Jia-Ji, 裴家紀>

"My Knowles School class meeting girls.  They will graduate from Knowles, June, 1923. {OC}"

Sunday Schools Mrs. Perkins Taught Throughout the Decades