​Yangtze River By The Hudson Ba​y

"caps on refugee babies and new stockings are what make these people so happy! {OC}"

"Refugees at the WLH seeking help {OC}"

"Two refugee girls with garments from the Peiping group(?); the old garments go over them {OC}"

"New garments have just been put on with the old over them; very happy because they have new garments {OC}"

"A group of refugees waiting at the old hospital front gate,Kiukiang {OC}"

"Refugees gathered around Dee and Bessie in the WLH court {OC}"

The Flood Refugees at WLH – Page B



The Ploeg Sisters    //    WLH Group Photos    //    WLH Personnel    //    WLH Graduations    //    WLH Children

"Refugees in WLH front court {OC}"

"The boy is 15 or 16,and the girl 12--they make coal balls to earn warm coast and their food. They are betrothed {OC}"

"Mollie and Mrs. Jones with some of the orphans. Kiukiang,July,1938 {OC}"

"Refugees around Dee and Bessie at WLH {OC}"

Refugee Children

WWII: "Aug. 1938, refugees leaving W.L.H. for other places - {OC}"


1931-Flood Refugees Lining Up Outside of the Old WLH

WWII: "Refugees leaving the hospital for the country after having been protected for many months in Kiukiang,on mission property. {OC}"

Go To:  Page A of WLH Patients;    Page B;    Page C;    Page D;    Page E

"These folks were waiting their turn the other morning at the clinic and we got them together for a snap shot;the babies are all boys,of course. {OC}"

Here is a silent video – a video nonetheless – documenting relief efforts provided by The Water of Life Hospital in Kiukinag during the Great Flood of the 1930s.

